
· 187 words · 1 minute read

Sometimes I find myself obsessing over what words to say. It feels like if I work long enough at tweaking the phrases and sentences, it will magically solve the problem.

Often in software, you have a problem to solve but you’re working in a new language, or with a new API. A quick google to find the magic incantation which you copy and paste selectively, and you’re on to the next problem.

This is unfortunately not how it works in real life. There is certainly a minimum level of effectiveness (Your idea sucks < I don’t think that is going to work < This could cause issues with X, what do you think about it?), but beyond a point effectiveness seems to plateau.

It also happens to be much easier wordsmithing than dealing with an uncertain outcome beyond your control. Wordsmithing requires no commitment, just imagination. Pulling the trigger is really what gets things to the next step.

It just means accepting that there is never any guarantee of success, whatever we do. Nor is there any guarantee of failure either.

That’s life. No panacea available 💊

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